Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mean Dog Mommy

Seriously, my Mom keeps posting these photos of me sleeping and she claims that I've spent the last three years sleeping? I beg to differ...I'm fairly certain that I wasn't sleeping while she was dressing me in ridiculous outfits? What is this shit?

This is some purple sparkly shit that she was raving about, while making tutu dresses. I'm a dude - not a princess.
Or what about this? Oh, you think Aunt Sarah's pink unicorn wig looks good on me? How's about I go pee on your laundry?
Your sunglasses and scarf on me...oh, so funny!? Let me return the favor by eating them. Does that make you laugh? Didn't think so, Mom!


I think she may have sent this out as an Easter card. Pink. Flipping. Bunny. Ears. Super mean, right?
And Christmas-time? Torture, pure torture!
Okay...I may have been sleeping in one instance, but that doesn't give her the right to dress me up! And she wonders why I eat her shoes and pee on her clothes. Sheesh.

Of course, there is one outfit I like. My girlfriend, Lisa, from across the street made me this awesome sweater for winter walking. She even cut out a pee-hole for me. At least she likes me - she even takes me walking while my lame parents are at work.
Thanks, Lisa!!


  1. I swear to God Rufus sleeps 19 out of the 24 hours in a day. LOL And he only wakes for his walks with the dog walker, park play, and meal/treat time.


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  2. Haha, Jules! Isn't that funny...they're so cute when they're sleeping too. Does Rufus jump up out of a dead sleep when a snack is mentioned? :) If Tank hears "cheese"...he will come roaring into the kitchen.
